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So not to forget that Time and Timing is a man made occurrence that has become so desperately valuable in modern day society. The pressures that are dictated upon us because of the tick tock of the clock. Age has become a undisputed and definitive element on the structures and systems of how Society is organised and functions. Just imagine a world devoid of Clock time. There would certainly be a high level of chaos if the Clock time were to cease to exist. So for this I am not propounding that we throw away the Clock time. But I am going to bring forth a question and this question is this.

How do you think the Clock Time is influencing you?IMG_6138

Are you consistently under an element of stress daily when everything in your life seems to be dictated by what the Clock Time is?


This is the list of everyday projects and routines. This has become for many quite a long list. If you were to list out daily what it is that you need to do, then I am sure that you will find that much of your day is filled with this TO DO LIST. My personal rule here is to keep the list in perspective to creating a relaxed day and definitely not stress if things aren’t ticked off. I just push it forwards to another time, in this way my TO DO LIST does not control me.

Some people don’t work with a TO DO LIST and tend to become disorganised or distracted very easily, so I do at least recommend at least having a TO DO LIST and GOAL LIST. Just pace the time frame in order that your day remains relaxed, and also take into consideration timing events that can throw you off, as you can never control everything in your life, you may as well get that clear. For Example: Traffic or parking spaces at your local supermarket.


There is always a very possibility that the timing that you set for your day is going to be thrown off, especially those mums and dads whom may be reading this. Our children always seem to need our attention just when our timing has become important. Hahaha you’ve got to laugh, as you can’t let your love of your little ones ruin your day. Life is perfect when you prioritise their needs BUT not let your needs become lesser than theirs. This is one example that I use often when I explain to Mums and Dads the importance of balancing your needs with your children or loved ones. “If the door bell rings, just at the precise moment that your bladder or bowels say to “Time to go bathroom”.

To make matters worst. How about at that precise moment the phone rings!

What do you do?  Ask your self this question?

To take care of your needs and to prioritise is the best answer that you can come up with.


The Time that I call Innate Timing lies deep within the core part of our true feeling, this is the aspect that just knows that it knows. Its the deepest part of your being and to much extent where by there is a assistance of greater force that guides one self. Quite often, and I know as a child I was always “going off with the fairies”, one becomes distant but present at the same time, this is often when the innate self timing kicks in and stands out most.

You can also put this down to being in the right place at the right time, it’s like when everything falls into place and the magic comes together for the opportunity that you attract.

Call it Law of Attraction yes, call it Magnetism or even Magic, to me it is much the same. This I call Innate Timing. I would say that I have come to believe that this connection of Innate Time is what activates the Life Force or Chi / Energy of the physical body. The energy cycles at optimum and the body rejuvenates itself.

Much what we as Acupuncturist’s see when a person finishes an acupuncture session or as their health and vitality increases. There is much to be said for a awesome acupuncture session, LOL 

Yours in Health, Wealth and Happiness

Awareness, Awake, Awaken.

Healing Comes With Open Feeling.


  1. Find out more about how you can best unfold your INNATE TIME by reading the article posted called: “The Ring of Truth”…. is this Skill or Psychic- a 6th Sense. 

2. Also read the article post called: The Flow of Silence… Leads to the Outflow of Wisdom then

3. Download the Ebook $18.00 usd: The Flow of Silence… Leads to the Outflow of Wisdom (Free Bonus Ebook included)

4.  Go to the Premium Library to browse the complete Selection of informative and inspiring E books – You can download them and read them at your leisure, on your computer, tablet or phone. (Mobile friendly)

Download, The 4 ASPECTS OF TIME,  In Ascending Priority Order the complete version E-Book FREEimage



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