Man and the Universe




Rekindle genuine love and respect with your family, spouse, and children.

Transcend the limitations of traditional roles in society

What are you here for?

There are answers to those questions about life that you have always found elusive. 

Man and the red_book4Universe book by Dr. Francisco Coll, founder of the Inner Peace Movement and the Americana Leadership College.

  • Reveals truths that will bring you a new-founded sense of security and Inner Peace
  • Based on the philosophy that as a soul you have always been and always will be.
  • The book describes your purpose for being on planet earth, the influences that have brought you where you are and a clear picture of your destiny.

How do you swim in this ocean of energy on planet earth without getting pulled under, caught in a crashing wave or feel like you are just floating on top? Man and the Universe describes your relationship with the universe the origins of science, religion and society your true nature and the cycles of life. Knowledge of these truths enables you to banish stress in your life and stay relaxed in any situation. Reverence and respect for yourself and others becomes second nature.

What if you had the tools to help you have a better understanding of yourself and the world around you? Man and the Universe compacts its dynamic yet practical message into just 47 pages. This book (cost is $10.00 usd + post) is to be ordered directly through Robin, just email: to place your order.

  • It is for those who value their time and seek practical ideas and techniques for improving their lives.
  • They will find its condensed contents reassuring, stimulating and immediately applicable for everyday life.

Have you ever wondered why people communicate in different ways? Man and the Universe can help you to discover and develop daily personal relationship with your Angels.

  • Your Guardian Angels can help!  Yes you have Guardian Angels!   We all have them!
  • They are also known as Holy Spirit, Higher Power, Higher Self, and Inner Guidance, and Messengers of God.
  • It was once thought that only certain gifted people could tap into divine power today we acknowledge that all people have access to divine power.
  • Can you relate to any of these?  Now its time to use it!

Man and the Universe introduces you to the four primary means of communication – Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling – often described as spiritual gifts

  • Like I need to hear it…I want to see it…I already know or I have a feeling
  • Discernment of these gifts in yourself and others leads to improved communication with yourself, you’re loved ones, and your inner guidance.
  • Development of these gifts will guide you in becoming master of your life and destiny

Are you ready to start living your True Life Purpose?

What would it feel like to have loving, effective personal relationships?

So? Are you keen to know more about your 4 Primary Gifts of  Communication and your Spiritual Guidance. Go check out the link in Shop – The Orientation Profile. You can contact me and we can book an online FaceTime or Skype session. Email :

I look forwards to helping you help yourself.


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